• Welcome to my e-portfolio page:)

    This page offers detailed
    information about myself personally and professionally.

    Scroll down for more...

    Hi...I'm Mark Bowman

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    Engage the image below for my digital story

    Digital Story

    Mark's Bio/Info

    Engage the image below
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    Instructional Design in The 21st Century Classroom
    is a powerful tool when implemented with STEM and flipped classroom strategies 
    all wrapped in a Universal Design for Learning approach.



  • Engage the below image to read my view of Educational Technology in 21st Centruy learning.
    The Greeks believed we must know ourselves in our journey to know anything else

    Socrates added ...“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."





    Engage the below image to view my take on Ed Tech in the 21st cent classroom

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    Engage the below image to view degrees, transcripts and training certificates

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    Engage the below image to view additional instructor certifications and credentials via law enforcement and the military.

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    Virtual E-Learning Course

    I Built the below site to be used by University students and staff


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    The above image represents a drone use course I developed for Florida Gulf Coast University to be used by both staff and students prior to using the drones and is currently on the FGCU server.

  • Web-Site Build with Wordpress

    This is a PowerPoint presentation of a web site I designed using Word- Press and represents a way to put out information to others using intelligent aesthetics and user intuitive designs

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    Engage Image to view Presentation      of original website

    The web site was about the potential impact of technology on a plastic brain and how to changing your brain and keep it healthy in general

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    Touch the above Image to watch a video regarding possible impacts of technology on our brain

  • Gamification

    The below examples are taken from a lesson plan with the goal of student's learning how to code

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    This simple game was created by coding

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    This video teaches coding using MITs Scratch software

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    This the full PowerPoint which includes the lesson plans for Scratch Coding

  • Articulate 360 Storyline Project

    The following contains the Instructional Design and Evaluation plan as well as a e-learning sample of for training I conducted for Southwest Florida Public Service Adademy.

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    Tactical Safety for Law Enforcement

    IED Module

    This is a sample of part of a Tactical Safety interactive E-learning/ self-paced course I developed to improve a previous material I instructed for Law Enforcement Officers and ultimately allow them to access the course via an online platform providing more flexibility

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    Engage Image to view full document

    Instructional Design Document

    This is the instructional design and Evaluation document for the implementation of the full Public Service Training Course including a course assessment for future changes and improvements

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    Power Point

    Course Syllabus

    Engage image for to view all slides

  • Tale of 2 Walts Lesson Plan

    The below PowerPoint demonstrates lesson plans for a documentary style narrated story video presentation. The method of storytelling increases memory retention and the incorporation of technology more effectively engages the learner.

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    Engage Image to view presentation

    Tale of 2 Walts

    Video Presentation- Narration

    Engage image to view video

    This video presentation was created to further demonstrate Ed Tech and a 21st century alternative delivery by using storytelling to help retain information more effectively

  • Still and Time-based media Presentations

    This includes edited photo slide shows or video presentations or a combination thereof. These can include music, talking, sound effects, green screens and many other effects.

    Engage the images to view the videos
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    Time Lapse Video of Minecraft using Redstone   This was recorded via Minecraft by Gavin Bowman and then edited later manually changing the views and adding music
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    Digital book trailer video as a type to peak a reader's interest


    Simple but effective slide presentation in chronological order telling a story timed and themed to a specific song